How to manage your marketing messages

Note: This feature might not be available in your area yet.
To see all of your marketing messages, go to the Tools tab > tap Marketing messages.

View, edit, and delete a message

Tap a message to view it. To edit or delete a message, tap
more options
> Create editable copy or Delete message.
If you edit a message that's already been sent, those changes will not be displayed to anyone who has already received the message. If you delete a message that's already been sent, anyone who has already received the message will still be able to see it.

Send a message again

Tap a message > Send again to send your message again. Select your audience again. You can also see how many times the message has been sent to a particular contact.


> Marketing messages to see how your messages are performing overall. You can see:
  • How many replies your messages have received
  • Average rate at which customers read your messages
    • Note: This information won't reflect recipients who have turned off read receipts.
Tap a message to view insights for it. You can see:
  • The date the message was sent
  • How many times the message was delivered
  • How many people have read the message
  • How many people have replied to the message
Some metrics might be estimated. Learn more about what this means in this article.

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