How to edit your profile

You can edit your profile photo, name, and about information in WhatsApp Settings.

Edit your profile photo

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap your profile photo.
  3. If you:
    • Don’t have a profile photo: Tap add photo. You can Take Photo or Choose Photo or Use Avatar.
    • Have a profile photo: Tap Edit > Edit. You can Delete Photo, Use Avatar, Take Photo, or Choose Photo.

Use an AI-generated image for your profile photo

You might also have the option to generate an AI image to use as your profile photo. Learn how in this article.
  • This feature is currently only available in limited countries and might not be available to you yet, even if other users in your country have access.
  • At this time, only prompts in English are supported.

Edit your profile name

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap your profile photo, then tap your name.
  3. Enter your new name.
    • The name limit is 25 characters.
    • You can add emoji by tapping
  4. Tap Done.
Note: Your profile name is visible to users in groups who don’t have your contact information saved in their phone's contacts.

Edit your about information

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap your profile photo.
  3. Tap the About field.
  4. You can either:
    • Select a prefilled option.
    • Tap your about information by Currently set to to customize it. The about information limit is 139 characters.


  • Your about information can’t be blank.
  • You can change your privacy settings to manage who can see your profile photo or about information.
  • If you block a contact, that person won’t see any updates to your profile photo or about information.

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