How to use polls
Polls are a simple way to ask questions and get real-time answers in a group chat.
Create a poll
- Open a chat.
- Click > Poll.
- Under Question, enter the question you want to ask your group. Poll questions are limited to 255 characters.
- Under Options, enter up to 12 poll options. Poll options are limited to 100 characters.
- Click and drag next to an option to change the order of your poll options by sliding up or down.
- Users can vote for multiple options on polls by default. To prevent users from voting for more than one option, turn off Allow multiple answers.
- Click and drag
- Clickto create your poll.
Receive updates about your poll
To receive updates on incoming votes, make sure push notifications for WhatsApp are enabled on your device. You will only receive one push notification for each poll you create. Learn more about how to manage your notifications.
Respond to a poll
To respond to a poll, click the option, or options, you want to vote for.
To remove your vote for an option, click the option you selected again.
Note: If the creator of the poll has turned off multiple answers, clicking an option will deselect any options that you previously clicked.
View poll details
To view the results of an active poll, including the number of members who have voted:
- Open the chat with the poll you want to view.
- Locate the poll, then click View votes.
Delete a poll
To delete a poll:
- Go to the chat with the poll you want to delete.
- Click in the top right corner of the poll.
- Click Delete > .
- Click Delete for everyone or Delete for me.
Troubleshooting issues with polls
If you’re having issues with creating or responding to a poll, we recommend you:
- Restart your computer, or turn it off and on.
- Update your browser to the latest version.
- Check if you have an internet connection by opening a browser and going to a website. If that doesn’t work, try these connection troubleshooting steps.