How to make a group video call
Group calling allows people to video call each other using WhatsApp.
When you receive a group video call, the WhatsApp group video call screen will show the people on the call. The first contact listed will be the person that added you.
You can also join missed calls if they’re still ongoing.
Make a group video call
Make a group video call from a group chat
- Open the WhatsApp group chat you want to video call.
- If your group chat has 32 or fewer people, tap and confirm your decision.
Note: If there are more than 32 people, tap the blue wave icon, then Start voice chat.
Make a group video call from an individual chat
- Open the WhatsApp chat with one of the contacts you want to video call.
- Tap .
- Once the contact accepts the call, tap .
- Find another contact you want to add to the call, then tap Add.
- Tap the Participants icon if you want to add more contacts.
Join a group video call
Join an incoming group video call
- You’ll receive a notification when someone invites you to join a group video call.
- To open the call info screen, tap Join.
Note: If you aren't ready to join yet, tap Ignore.
- From the call menu, you can preview the people on the call and other invitees.
- Tap Join to join the call.
- While on the call, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the list of participants.
- Tap Add people to add more contacts to the call.
- Tap Ring to send a notification to people who’ve already been invited.
Join a missed group video call through the Calls tab
- If the call is ongoing, tap the call you’d like to join. This will open the call info screen.
- From the call menu, tap Join.
Join a missed group video call through a group chat
If the call was started from a group chat, you can join by opening that chat and tapping Join.
Mute someone else
You can mute other people in a group call. To do so, tap and hold on the person’s name. Then press Mute.
The person can unmute themselves at any time by tapping the microphone.
You can message a person directly on a group call by tapping and holding their tile.
Note: You can only mute someone three times.
Mute notifications for a group video call
- Tap the name of the group.
- Tap Notifications.
- Tap Mute notifications under Messages or Calls to mute notifications for messages or calls from the group.
- Select the length of time you'd like to mute notifications for, then tap OK.
Increase video size
On a group video call, you can increase the video size for a person you want to focus on.
To make a person’s video bigger, tap and hold the person’s video view.
To dismiss, tap outside the maximized video view.
- Only 32 people can be active on a video call at one time.
- Make sure you and your contacts have strong internet connections when making or receiving group video calls. The quality of the video call will depend on the contact with the weakest connection.
- During a group video call, you can turn your video off by tapping .
- You can't remove a contact during a group video call. The contact would need to disconnect from the call.
- You can be in a group video call with someone you've blocked. However, you can't add a contact who you've blocked to the call or a contact who has blocked you.
- Video calling is only available on Android phones running version 4.1 or newer.
- How to make a video call
- How to start a voice chat