How to make a group video call

Group calling allows people to video call each other using WhatsApp.
When you receive a group video call, the WhatsApp group video call screen will show the people on the call. The first contact listed will be the person that added you.
You can also join missed calls if they’re still ongoing.
WhatsApp for Windows supports:
  • Video calls of up to 32 members.
  • Audio calls of up to 32 members.

Make a group video call

Make a group video call from a group chat

  1. Open the WhatsApp group chat you want to video call.
  2. If your group chat has 32 or fewer members, click
    video call
    and confirm your decision.
Note: If there are more than 32 members, click
new call or group call
and select up to 31 people to join your video call. Then click
group video call

Make a group video call from the Calls tab

  1. Open WhatsApp > Calls.
  2. click
    new call or group call
    > New Group Call.
  3. Find the contacts you want to add to the call, then click
    group video call

Make a group video call from an individual chat

  1. Open the WhatsApp chat with one of the contacts you want to video call.
  2. Click
    video call
  3. Once the contact accepts the call, Click
    open menu
    > Add Member.
  4. Find another contact you want to add to the call, then click Add.
  5. Click
    add member
    to add more contacts.

Join a group video call

When you receive an incoming call, you’ll see a notification on your screen. You can click:
  • Accept call to accept the call.
  • Decline to decline the call.
  • Settings to open a preview window before entering the call.
    • Click
      to mute and unmute your microphone.
    • Click
      video call
      to turn your video on and off.
    • Click
      to open microphone and video settings.
    • Click Answer to begin the call.

Join a missed group video call through the Calls tab

  1. If the call is ongoing, click the call you'd like to join. This will open the call info screen.
  2. From the call menu, click Join.

Join missed group video call through a group chat

If the call was started from a group chat, you can join by opening that chat and clicking Join.

Mute someone else

You can mute other members in a group call. To do so, click and hold on the member’s name. Then press Mute.
The member can unmute themself at any time by clicking the microphone. You can message a member directly on a group call by clicking and holding their tile.
  • You can only mute someone three times.
  • On calls with more than 16 people, the videos of the last 16 to speak are shown on the first page of the call.
  • Make sure you and your contacts have strong internet connections when placing or receiving group video calls. The quality of the video call depends on the contact with the weakest connection.
  • During a group video call, you can turn your video off by clicking
    video off
  • You can't remove a contact during a group video call. The contact would need to disconnect from the call.
  • You can be in a group video call with someone you've blocked. However, you can't add a contact that you've blocked to the call or a contact that has blocked you.

Related resources:

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