How to send and open view once media and voice messages

You can send photos, videos, and voice messages that disappear from a chat after the recipient has opened them once. This is known as 'view once'.

View once media

View once photos and videos won’t be saved to the recipient’s Photos or Gallery. They won't be able to forward, share, or copy them. Recipients also won’t be able to take a screenshot or screen recording of your view once media. It’s still possible for someone to take a photo or video of the media, for example with a camera or another device, before it disappears.

Send view once media

  1. Open an individual or group chat.
  2. Tap
    , then tap:
    • Camera to take a new photo or video with your camera. Learn more about duration limits on videos.
    • Gallery to select an existing photo or video from your device.
  3. Tap
    view once
    • When this turns green, you’re in view once mode.
  4. Tap

Send view once voice messages

  1. Open an individual or group chat.
  2. Tap
    and swipe up to lock / start the recording.
  3. Tap
    view once
    • When this turns green, you’re in view once mode.
  4. Tap
If the recipient has read receipts enabled, you’ll see an Opened receipt in the chat when they’ve opened your view once media or voice message.

Open view once media and voice messages

  1. Tap the view once message.
  2. View the photo, video, or listen to the voice message.
  3. Tap
    to exit the viewer.
You’ll see an Opened receipt in the chat for media or voice messages you’ve already viewed. View once media won’t be saved to your device. Once you exit the media viewer, you can’t view the media again.

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