Sharing catalog links

Catalog allows customers to browse a business’s products or services, ask questions, and engage with the business. Customers can choose a product or service they're interested in, share it with their friends in a chat or status update, or message the business with questions.
To share a product or service from catalog:
  1. Go to Catalog
  2. Select the item or service you wish to share
  3. Tap Share
  4. You can then share an item in your catalog with potential buyers anywhere by selecting any of these options:
    • Send link via WhatsApp Business: Share the selected item link in a chat in WhatsApp
    • Share to my status: Share the selected item link in your status on WhatsApp
    • Copy Link
    • Share Link: Share the selected item over email or other messaging apps
  5. Select the groups or individual chats you want to share the item or service with. Note: By default, your status updates are shared with all your contacts.
  6. Optional: Customize the message included with the link to better describe the item you’re sharing.
  7. Tap
The shared link will directly open the item or catalog if viewed within the WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp Business app.
When shared over email or browser, a selector will allow the user to choose how to open the link.
Note: Shared catalog links might not open if the recipient is using a version older than Android 6.0

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