How to generate an animated AI image in a chat

You can generate animated images when chatting with Meta AI on WhatsApp. AI images on WhatsApp are generated by artificial intelligence (AI), based on the prompts and messages you enter, using a service from Meta.
  • This feature is currently only available in limited countries and might not be available to you yet, even if other users in your country have access.
  • At this time, only English, Arabic, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese are supported.

Generate an animated AI image

  1. Open a chat with Meta AI.
  2. Type imagine in the message field followed by your text prompt.
  3. Tap
    ai send
  4. The generated image will be displayed in the chat.
  5. Type Animate it in the message field.
  6. Tap
    ai send
  7. The generated animated image will be displayed in the chat.

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