Message privately and safely

Whether it’s in conversation with friends, family or a business, your personal messages are secure, and you are in control. WhatsApp has a number of privacy settings, tools and controls to help keep you and these messages safe.

Safeguard your account

1. Activate two-step verification
Add another layer of security to your WhatsApp account by requiring a unique PIN for access using two-step verification.
2. Look out for suspicious behavior
Scams can affect anyone anywhere. We want to help you recognize suspicious behaviors and ways you can protect yourself.
Common things to watch out for include:
  • Messages from unknown phone numbers
  • Requests for money or personal information
Explore more examples of suspicious links, files, and spam.
3. Avoid unknown or unwanted calls and messages
Focus on conversations that matter to you by silencing calls from unknown numbers. Unsure if the contact is someone you know? You can find which of your contacts use WhatsApp by accessing your phone's address book. When you receive messages from someone that is not in your contacts, we’ll show you if you have groups in common, and if their phone number is registered in a different country from yours. From there, you can decide if you should reply, add them as a contact, block them or report them.

Safeguard your privacy

1. Complete the privacy checkup
Choose your level of privacy with a privacy checkup. Follow the step-by-step guide to add more layers of security to your account and customize your privacy settings all in one place.
2. Check your privacy settings
Control who sees your information by adjusting your privacy settings. You can adjust your last seen and online, profile photo, about, live location,status, or who can add you to groups. You can explore these topics and more to help you stay safe on WhatsApp here.
3. Report unwanted conversations or content
You control who you chat with on WhatsApp. You can block specific contacts to stop unwanted calls and messages at any time. You can also report messages and contacts to us. Learn more about how to block and report contacts here.
Note: If you think a channel is sharing illegal or harmful content or spam, you can report them or report specific updates.
Learn more account security tips here.

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