How to fix issues with WhatsApp call links
You can create and share a WhatsApp call link so that anyone with a WhatsApp account can join your call by opening the link. If you’re experiencing issues with call links, we’ve listed some ways you might be able to fix the issue below.
Firstly, make sure WhatsApp is updated to the latest version. Read how to manually update WhatsApp.
Try turning your device off and on again, and checking your connection.
If you can’t join a call link, check that you haven’t blocked the contact, and that they haven’t blocked you.
You can’t join a link if it has been unused for 30 days. You or your contact will need to resend the link in this case.
Another reason why you may not be able to join a call link is if the call is full. The maximum number of people that can join a call link is 256 people.
How to create and share call links