How to create and invite into a group

You can create a WhatsApp group with up to 1024 members.

Create a group

  1. Tap
    new chat
    > New group.
  2. Search for or select contacts to add to the group.
    • If a contact doesn’t have WhatsApp, they’ll be sent an SMS invite.
  3. Tap Next.
    • You can choose to add a name for the group.
      • The name limit is 100 characters.
      • Tap
        to add an emoji.
    • Tap
      to add a group icon. Tap Camera, Gallery, Emoji & stickers, or Search web to add an image.
      • You might also have the option to generate and use an AI image. Learn how in this article.
    • Tap Disappearing messages and select 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days to turn on disappearing messages.
    • Tap Group permissions to edit permissions for members and admins.
  4. Tap Create.
Note: If you don’t add a group name, the name will be a list of the users in the group.
Certain contact names won't appear when you try to call, message, or view a status if you haven't allowed full access to the contacts in your phone’s address book. You can grant access by going to your phone's Settings > WhatsApp > Contacts.

Invite contacts to group

  1. Open the group chat and tap the group name.
  2. Tap Add members and select contacts.
    • If a contact doesn’t have WhatsApp, they’ll be sent an SMS invite.
  3. Tap Add.
Alternatively, scroll to the start of the chat and tap Add members.
Group admins can invite people to join a group by sharing a link or QR code.
  1. Open the group and tap the group name.
  2. Tap Invite to group via link.
    • Tap Send link via WhatsApp to send to link through WhatsApp. Select contacts, and tap Send.
    • Tap Copy link to copy the link. Paste the link to share.
    • Tap Share link to share the link through another app.
    • Tap QR code to generate a scannable QR code.
The admin can cancel an invite link and create a new one. To reset the link, go to Invite via link and tap Reset link > Reset link. If you reset a link, you can’t restore the previous invite link.
Note: Any WhatsApp user you share an invite link with can join the group, so only use this feature with people you trust. It’s possible for someone to forward the link to other people, who could then join the group without additional approval from the group admin.

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