How to mute and unmute status updates

If you don't want to get status updates from a contact, you can mute their updates. You can still see muted status updates, but they will be hidden in the Muted section of the Updates tab.

Mute contact’s status updates

  1. Go to the Updates tab.
  2. Find a recent status update from the contact.
    • If you don’t follow channels, they will be under Recent Updates or Viewed Updates.
    • If you follow channels, swipe left on your statuses to browse your recent updates.
  3. Tap and hold the status update.
  4. Tap Mute.
Alternatively, open their status update and tap
more options
> Mute.
To view muted contacts:
  • If you don’t follow channels, tap Muted updates.
  • If you follow channels, swipe left on your statuses and tap Muted.

Unmute contact’s status updates

  1. Go to the Updates tab.
    • If you don’t follow channels, tap Muted updates.
    • If you follow channels, swipe left on your statuses and tap Muted.
  2. Tap and hold a status update from the contact.
  3. Tap Unmute.
Alternatively, open their status update and tap
more options
> Unmute.
  • The Muted section won’t appear if your muted contacts haven’t shared a recent status update. When a contact shares a status, you'll see it here and can unmute them.
  • Status updates disappear after 24 hours.
  • If you mute someone’s status updates, they can send you statuses in chats with a mention. To stop their status mentions, block the person or archive your shared chat.

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