How to exit a community

You can exit, or leave, a community you no longer want to be part of.
When you leave a community, you'll also leave all the groups you're in that are part of that community.
If you're the admin who created the community, you'll need to deactivate the community to leave.

Exit a community

  1. Go to the Communities tab.
  2. Click the community.
  3. Click the community name to see Community info.
  4. Click Exit community.
  5. If you want to exit and delete the community from your Chats tab, tap Exit and delete. If you want to keep your chat history, tap Exit.
Exiting and deleting a community means you’ll lose access to all groups that you belong to in the community. All community chats will be deleted from your device. To hide the community from your chats list, but maintain access to groups, you can Archive the group instead. Learn how to archive a group in a community in this article.
You can exit and delete any groups in your Chats tab. Learn how to exit a group as a member or exit and delete groups as an admin.
  • If you deactivate your WhatsApp account, communities and groups you created will also be deactivated. Community admins and members will be removed from the community and Announcements group.
  • There’s no way to reactivate a deactivated community.

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