About international phone number format
A phone number in full international format includes a plus sign (+), then country code, city code, and local phone number. When contacting WhatsApp, always send your phone number in full international format.
For example, if a contact in the United States (country code "1") has the area code "408" and phone number "XXX-XXXX", you'd enter +1 408 XXX XXXX.
- Make sure to remove any leading 0s or special calling codes.
- All phone numbers in Argentina (country code "54") should have a "9" between the country code and area code. The prefix "15" must be removed so the final number will have 13 digits total: +54 9 XXX XXX XXXX
- Phone numbers in Mexico (country code "52") need to have "1" after "+52", even if they're Nextel numbers.