How to make a voice call

Voice calling lets you call your contacts using WhatsApp Desktop for free, even if they’re in another country. Voice calling uses your internet connection. Desktop calling is supported on Windows 10 64-bit version 1903 and newer and macOS 11 and newer.
Note: Calling isn't supported on WhatsApp Web. To make WhatsApp calls on your computer, you'll need to download WhatsApp for Windows or WhatsApp for Mac. Learn how in this article.

Use desktop calling

To make or receive voice calls on WhatsApp Desktop:
  • You’ll need an active internet connection on your computer and phone.
  • WhatsApp needs access to your computer’s microphone.
  • You’ll need to have an audio output device and microphone connected to your computer for calls.
Note: Use a headset for the best audio. Using a separate external microphone and speaker devices might cause echo.

Make a voice call

  1. Open the individual chat with the contact you’d like to call.
  2. Click the Voice call icon.
During the call, you can mute or unmute your microphone by clicking the Microphone icon. When the call is finished, click End call.

Answer a voice call

If you receive an incoming call, you can click:
  • Accept to answer the call.
  • Decline to decline the call.
  • Ignore or x to ignore the call.

Switch between voice and video calls

While on a voice call with a contact, you can request to switch to a video call. The contact you’re voice calling can click OK or Switch to switch the call or Cancel to decline.
  1. Hover over the Camera icon during the call.
  2. Click the Camera icon.
  3. The voice call will switch to a video call if your contact accepts the switch.

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