How to make a voice call

Voice calling lets you call your contacts using WhatsApp for free, even if they’re in another country. Voice calling uses your phone’s internet connection rather than your mobile plan’s minutes. Data charges may apply.

Make a voice call

  1. Open the individual chat with the contact you want to voice call.
  2. Tap
    group voice call
Alternatively, open WhatsApp, then tap the Calls tab >
group call or new call
. Find the contact you want to voice call, then tap
group voice call

Use the keypad to make a voice call

You can use the keypad to make a voice call to businesses and others who haven’t been saved to your contacts.
  1. Go to Calls.
  2. Tap
  3. Enter the number you want to call.
  4. Tap
Note: If you’re calling a number that’s not currently registered on WhatsApp, select Dial {phone number}. You’ll have the option to invite the user to join WhatsApp. If the user isn’t on WhatsApp, carrier and data charges may apply.

Receive a voice call

If your phone is locked, you'll see an incoming WhatsApp voice call screen when someone voice calls you, where you can:
  • Swipe up
    swipe up to accept
    to answer the call.
  • Swipe up
    swipe up to decline
    to reject the call.
  • Swipe up
    android swipe up to reply
    to decline the call with a quick message.
If your phone is unlocked, you’ll see an Incoming voice call pop-up when someone voice calls you, where you can tap Decline or Answer.
Note: You can change your settings to silence calls from unknown callers.

Switch between voice and video calls

Switch from a voice call to a video call

  1. While on the voice call, tap
    video call
    > Switch.
  2. The contact you're voice calling will see a request to switch to a video call. They can accept or decline the switch.

Switch from a video call to a voice call

  1. While on the video call, tap
    video off
    , which will notify the contact you're video calling.
  2. Once the contact turns their video off, the call will be switched to a voice call.


  • Make sure you and your contacts have strong internet connections when placing or receiving group voice calls.
  • You can’t access emergency service numbers through WhatsApp such as 911 in the United States. To make emergency calls, you must make alternative communication arrangements.

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